We’re Having A…




If the 2nd photo doesn’t give it away, I’ll give you a hint: those are baby’s hips and all that lies between them.

Today was our anatomy scan, so the doctor looked at all of baby’s bits. His heart, brain, spine, bones, face, and boy bits. He said that everything looks great at this point and there is no reason to believe that baby will have any issues. I cannot even describe the feeling of relief I felt when the doctor said “everything looks good and you have a healthy baby boy in there, congratulations”… I feel like I can finally allow myself to relax and get excited. I’m thrilled to be having a baby boy! Call me crazy, but I’ve always known that my first child would be a boy. I don’t know how or why, I just knew. I would have been thrilled with either gender, but it just feels “right” that it’s a boy.

So onto my weekly update!

How far along: 18 weeks, 4 days

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +6 lbs. Staying in the 1 lb a week range now, which is good 🙂

Maternity clothes: Same as last week – I live my life in leggings and sweaters these days. lol

Stretch marks: Nope!

Sleep: Been extra sleepy this week, but that could have something to do with the whole getting married thing.

Best moment last week: I married my baby daddy (hehe… no really, I married a doofus my soulmate)

Movement: Most definitely! Baby likes to do aerobics at 11pm each night. Which means that I’ve been staying up WAY past my bedtime so that I can put my hands on my belly and enjoy the show. I’ve felt a few good kicks from the outside now, but Josh has yet to feel it. Whenever he puts his hands on my belly, baby stops moving.

Food cravings: Watermelon still. Mmmmm.

Gender: BLUE!

Labor signs: ……

Belly button – in or out? Still in. My belly really isn’t that big, I just look full. In fact, it seems to have gotten smaller this week. Odd! So for now, my belly button is staying put.

What I miss: Nothing, I’m perfectly content with how things are right at this very moment 🙂

What I am looking forward to: Going to bed tonight for baby aerobics time ❤


No picture this week. But I will go ahead and post a wedding collage that my beautiful mother-in-law made up.

wedding collage

About Dani

My name is Dani. I'm married to my soulmate and we are expecting our first child... well, our first human child anyway. We have two children of the canine variety as well, Bruno and Lilly. This space is dedicated to documenting our life as a family.

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